First I was like, not another one... Then I was like WAIT, this one is DIFFERENT! So I sat there and sat there, then BAAM, AWESOMENESS BEFORE MY EYES. VVVWWRRROOOOMMMMM, WHHHOOOOOOSHHHHHH!!!! It's everywhere!!!!! I CAN'T SEEM TO SLOW DOWN!!!!!
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This is the BEST PMV I have ever seen. It is VERY well made, and everything matches perfectly to the sound. CHECK IT OUT NOW!
This song is absolutely beautiful. I can lay on my bed, close my eyes, and see my life go before my eyes. The second song is also very beautiful and calming.
Hey everypony! I listened to both of these songs and felt really peaceful. Which is a first for me because I'm always everywhere at once. I'm either smelling flowers in the meadow or eating cupcakes, or talking to somepony about oatmeal.
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Hey folks, I just wanted to share with you these two beautiful songs made by Derpidety. Both of these songs are extremely calming and inspiring. I would love to have the first song played on my death bed. Go ahead and check both of them out, they're putting me to sleep. Have a good night everypony...
Everypony gets sad, even me Pinkie gets under the weather.
Here are two sad songs about my friend Fluttershy. When I
saw these I wanted to cry and give my best friend a hug and
tell her I understand her feelings. Sometimes I want someone
to do the same for me.
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I normally like to avoid sad pony made stuff but I just had to post these two. They're both sad and really convey the way I feel. Check them both out, and bring a tissue.
Yup, I had to skip over Pinkie Pie for this piece of news. READ THIS ARTICLE. It is a great article on why bronies are bronies. It's straight and to the point.
My friend Rarity is absolutely beautiful in this dress!
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I must say Rarity looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL in this picture! She used to be pretty low on my favorite pony list but I'm slowly bumping her up to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy! Check out the creators DA page -
and Spike! I'm friends with everyone in Ponyville though.
These 6 are my BEST friends! I don't want to make anypony
feel left out, so everyone in Ponyville are my second best
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Hey bronies! It's Shining_KoW210 here, I just want to let all of you know that this is my FAVORITE PMV featuring Fluttershy. Quite possibly my 3rd favorite PMV out there so far. So go and check it out!
Hey everypony, Shining_KoW210 here. Just letting everyone know I've been a tiny bit busy. Hopefully I'll have 1 or 2 things posted up later today. Thanks for reading!
Ohhhhh, aaaahhhhhh, sorry I was just admiring how well this video was made! It's great to see the Princess and Luna together in such a good way! I sure hope they make more videos like this! Hehe!
Notes from the editor -
This is a very well made video. I love how they portrayed Luna, and Princess Celestia as well. I certainly hope that they continue to make more awesome videos like this one. The only thing I can complain about is the voice sound levels, I kept having to turn up and down the sound and blast my ears off. Besides that, this is an excellent short video!
Hey there everypony! Pinkie Pie here, I've been raving to this
song about everyone in Ponyville! It's sooo awesome! My next
party will have this song blasting! Ohhhhh blasting!
Notes from the editor -
This song is so true about my life. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is more than just a show that I like. It really has influenced my life for the better. I go to the DC Area Brony Meetup group every month, and I have met some awesome people! It's way better than sitting around on the computer all day. BroNYCon was especially amazing! I'm usually shy and nervous around a lot of other people, but BroNYCon was different, it was just an amazing feeling! Thank you everypony!